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Tog (A Coruña) ; 20(2): 141-149, Nov 30, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228908


Objetivos: estudiar el impacto en el equilibrio ocupacional durante el primer cuatrimestre de la pandemia COVID-19 en España. Métodos: estudio observacional prospectivo en el que han participado 411 personas con diagnóstico de trastorno mental grave atendidas en dispositivos de rehabilitación psicosocial distribuidos por todo el territorio estatal. Se ha empleado el OBQ-E y la escala ACO, creada por las propias personas investigadoras. Resultados: el equilibrio ocupacional disminuye en la mayoría de las personas durante el periodo de confinamiento y vuelve a aumentar a un nivel similar al de la pre- pandemia según comienza la desescalada de medidas de confinamiento. Hay actividades como el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en las que se observa un incremento en la sensación de cambio ocupacional, que se mantiene tras el cierre del dispositivo. Conclusiones: el equilibrio ocupacional se ve alterado al modificar la rutina diaria y las condiciones del ambiente. Se puede observar una clara capacidad de resiliencia cuando las condiciones cambian y/o vuelven a la normalidad.(AU)

Objective: to study the impact on occupational balance during the first quarter of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Methods: prospective observational study involving 411 persons with diagnosis of severe mental disorder treated in psychosocial rehabilitation devices distributed throughout the state territory. OBQ-E and the ACO scale, created by the researchers themselves, have been used. Results: n most of the participants their occupational balance drops during the confinement period and increases again to a level similar to that of the pre-pandemic as the de-escalation of confinement measures begins. There are activities such as the use of new technologies in which there is an increase in the feeling of occupational change, which continues after the closure of the device. Conclusions: the occupational balance is altered by modifying daily routine and environmental conditions. A clear resilience can be observed when conditions change and/or return to normal. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , /psicologia , Reabilitação Psiquiátrica , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Quarentena/psicologia , Atividades Cotidianas , Espanha/epidemiologia , /complicações , /epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S9-S15, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207081


La AOTA ha publicado la Cuarta Edición del Marco de Trabajo para la Práctica de la terapia ocupacional: Dominio y Proceso. En este artículo vamos a hacer un recorrido por su historia desde el primer Marco de Trabajo publicado en el año 2002 pasando por cada una de sus revisiones realizadas cada 5 años hasta llegar a este cuarto Marco de Trabajo publicado el pasado año 2020. El objetivo es poder conocer tanto sus inicios como la evolución del mismo para lo que nos remontaremos a sus antecedentes: la Terminología Uniforme. (AU)

The objective is to be able to know both its beginnings and its evolution for which we will go back to its antecedents: the Uniform Terminology. The AOTA has published the Fourth Edition of the Framework for the Practice of Occupational Therapy: Domain and Process. In this article we are going to go through its history from the first Framework published in 2002, focusing on each review carried out every 5 years, ending with this fourth Framework published in 2020. The objective is to know both its beginnings and its evolution, and we go back to its antecedents: the Uniform Terminology. (AU)

História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional , Publicações/história , Publicações/tendências
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S16-S25, feb. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207082


En el año 2020 se publica el nuevo Marco de Trabajo para la Práctica de la Terapia Ocupacional: Dominio y Proceso, 4ª edición,tras revisar las bases y procesos de la terapia ocupacional. En este documento queremos sintetizar y hacer más comprensiblestodos los cambios y avances técnicos que se han ido mostrando ennuestra profesión a lo largo de los diferentes documentos realizados por la Asociación Americana de Terapia Ocupacional. (AU)

In 2020 the new Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 4th edition was published after reviewing the bases and processes of occupational therapy. In this document we want to synthesize and make more understandable all the changes and technical advances that have been shown in our profession throughout the different documents produced by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AU)

História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional , Publicações/história , Publicações/tendências
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S26-S29, feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207083


En un momento en el que las profesiones sanitarias evolucionan prestando cada vez más importancia a la función y participación ocupacional, la AOTA ha publicado la última actualización de su Marco de Trabajo. El objetivo de este artículo es crear una discusión sobre cómo esta actualización se relaciona con otras teorías, marcos o modelos utilizados actualmente en terapia ocupacional. A pesar de las características únicas de cada teoría, el Marco de la AOTA continúa cercano a los modelos más tradicionales de la profesión en cuanto a valores, conceptos, evolución y enfoque. Sin embargo, se ha desarrollado menos que otrosmodelos actuales en cuanto aevidencia científica y el uso de varios enfoques o conocimiento externo a la profesión. (AU)

As health care professions move towards emphasizing function and occupational participation, AOTA has published the last version of its Occupational Therapy Framework. The aim of this article is to facilitate a discussion about how the framework relates toother actual theories, frameworks or models in occupational therapy. Despite the unique characteristics of each theory, the framework continues in line with the profession traditional models in relation to values, concepts, development and focus. However,the framework lacks evidence-based practice and the use of a variety of approaches or related knowledge to the profession than actual models. (AU)

História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Publicações , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S30-S37, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207084


La revisión de los diferentes Marcos de Trabajo para la Práctica de la Terapia Ocupacional: dominio y proceso (OTPF) de la Asociación Americana de Terapia Ocupacional (AOTA) nos proporciona, ya desde su primera edición, continuas referencias a la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, Discapacidad y Salud (CIF).A través de este artículo pretendemos analizar la relación que existe entre el Marco de Trabajo para la Práctica de la Terapia Ocupacional de la AOTA y la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, Discapacidad y salud (CIF) y responder a una serie de cuestiones relativas a esta relación, llevando a cabo una revisión de artículos que versen sobre estos temas en las principales bases de datos de ciencias de la salud. (AU)

The review ofthe different Frameworks for the Practice of Occupational Therapy: domain and process (OTPF) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) provides us, since its first edition, continuous references to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). In this article we intend to analyze the relation that exists between the AOTA Framework for the Practice of Occupational Therapy and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and answersome questions related to this relationship. The articles dealing with these topics in the main health science databases are reviewe. (AU)

História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde , Publicações , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S47-S51, feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207086


El marco de trabajo para la práctica de terapia ocupacional de la Asociación Americana de Terapia Ocupacional (AOTA) ha llegado a su cuarta revisión. Es un documento en constante evolución, que fue creado originariamente para describir la singular perspectiva y la contribución de terapia ocupacional en la promoción de la salud y el compromiso de las personas en la participación en ocupaciones. Pretende ser una herramienta para la comunicación con la población y otros profesionales, proporcionando un lenguaje que lo permita. El objetivo de éste artículo es reflexionar y analizar si el marco cumple el objetivo de proporcionar un lenguaje uniforme y conocer otras propuestas de lenguaje profesional. (AU)

The Occupational Therapy Framework of the AOTA reaches to its fourth edition. This is an ever-evolving document that was originally developed to describe occupational therapy ́s distinct perspective and contribution to promoting health and engagement of persons participating in occupations. It intends to be a tool for the communication with population and others professionals, providing a language to facilitate it. The aim of this article is to reflect and analyze whether the framework fulfills the objective of providing a uniform language and to learn about other professional languages proposals. (AU)

História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional , Publicações
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S52-S61, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207087


En 2020 la Asociación Americana de Terapia Ocupacional (AOTA) publicó la cuarta edición de su Marco de Trabajo para la Práctica de Terapia Ocupacional: Dominio y Proceso. Más de 40 años hace ya del lanzamiento de su predecesor, la Terminología Uniforme de Terapia Ocupacional, creado con una finalidad diferente a la actual. Desde entonces y hasta ahora, es evidente la evolución de este documento a lo largo de sus diferentes ediciones para tratar de adaptarse a los cambios y necesidades de la profesión y reflejar la evolución en la práctica, siendo objeto tanto de alabanzas como de críticas. El presente artículo pretende analizarlas diferentes críticas recogidas en la literatura de terapia ocupacional en relación a las diversas ediciones del Marco de Trabajo para la Práctica Profesional de la AOTA y sus documentos predecesores (Terminología Uniforme de Terapia Ocupacional I, II y III). Se recoge también una crítica somera de las autoras de este artículo y se invita a abrir un espacio para la reflexión y futuras investigaciones acerca del uso y validez de este documento para la globalidad de la comunidad de terapia ocupacional. (AU)

In 2020, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) published the fourth edition of its Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process. Its predecessor, The Uniform Occupational Therapy Terminology, was created and launched more than 40 years ago with a different purpose than the current one. Since then until now, the document development is clear through its different editions while trying to adapt to changes and needs of the profession and to reflect the evolution in practice, being the object of both praise and criticism. This article tries to analyze different criticisms gathered in occupational therapy literature regarding the different editions of AOTA’s Occupational TherapyPractice Framework and its previous documents (Uniform Occupational Therapy Terminology I, II and III). It also includes a brief critique by the authors of this article and invites to an open space for reflection and future research on the use and validity of this document for the occupational therapy community as a whole. (AU)

História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Publicações , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S62-S66, feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207088


La evaluación ocupacional, supone el principio de cualquier intervención en terapia ocupacional. Coincidiendo con las ideas de Rogers y Holm, el terapeuta ocupacional que va a iniciar su intervención, no comienza de cero. Los conocimientos teóricos y habilidades prácticas que cada profesional pone en juego durante la evaluación y la intervención, son resultado de su formación y desarrollo paulatino, resultado de la interacción entre su experiencia y su formación teórica. En este documento podremos ver de forma específica como elaborar una evaluación ocupacional utilizando los componentes desarrollados en el marco de trabajo para la práctica de la terapia ocupacional. (AU)

Occupational evaluation is the beginning of any intervention in occupational therapy. Coinciding with the ideas of Rogers and Holm, the occupational therapist who is going to start his intervention, does not start from scratch. The theoretical knowledge and practical skills that each professional puts into play during the evaluation and intervention are the result of their training and gradual development, the result of the interaction between their experience and their theoretical training. In this document we can see specifically how to develop an occupational evaluation using the components developed in the framework for the practice of occupational therapy. (AU)

História do Século XXI , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Ocupações , Publicações , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S67-S72, feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207089


Cuando los y las terapeutas ocupacionales generamos hipótesis, estamos delineando nuestras líneas de reflexión en pro de la práctica profesional, y además estamos definiendo de forma clara: el que, el cómo, el donde y el cuándo. Esta gestión de hipótesis, en forma de razonamiento diagnóstico, genera respuestas relevantes para determinar la importancia de nuestro lenguaje profesional. En este documento podremos ver de forma específica como establecer un diagnóstico ocupacional utilizando los componentes desarrollados en el marco de trabajo para la práctica de la terapia ocupacional. (AU)

When occupational therapists generate hypotheses, we are outlining our lines of reflection in favor of professional practice, and we are also clearly defining: what, how, where and when. This hypothesis management, in the form of diagnostic reasoning, generates relevant answers to determine the importance of our professional language. In this document we can see specifically how to establish an occupational diagnosis using the components developed in the framework for the practice of occupational therapy. (AU)

Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Ocupações , Diagnóstico , Publicações , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional
Tog (A Coruña) ; 19(nro esp. 1): S73-S79, feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207090


A lo largo de la planificación, una vez establecidas las prioridades y determinados los objetivos, el o la terapeuta ocupacional está en disposición de diseñar un plan individualizado de intervención para cada persona por medio del cual trata de lograr los objetivos trazados. Su diseño se articula alrededor de la selección de diversos abordajes que estructuran las técnicas, medios, modalidades y métodos que nos permiten realizar la intervención para cada caso abordado. En este documento podremos ver de forma específica como realizar una planificación de la intervención. (AU)

Throughout the planning, once the priorities have been established and the objectives determined, the occupational therapist is in a position to design an individualized intervention plan for each person by means of which they try to achieve the established objectives. Its design is articulated around the selection of various approaches that structure the techniques, means, modalities and methods that allow us to carry out the intervention for each case addressed. In this document we can see specifically how to plan the intervention. (AU)

Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional/história , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Ocupações , Publicações , Conselhos de Especialidade Profissional
Aust Occup Ther J ; 68(5): 444-453, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34296445


INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted occupations and lives of people around the world, has simultaneously exposed deeply rooted social inequities and structural injustices that have negated the facile claim that "we're all in this together." But the pandemic has also opened up opportunities to imagine other ways of living and doing in the future. This paper imagines some possibilities for shaping occupational therapy's future practices and seeks to illustrate why it is both timely and necessary to re-imagine occupational therapy in 2021. METHODS: Drawing from epidemiological research, the paper explores the inequitable impacts of COVID-19, environmental degradation, and multiple social determinants on people's real opportunities for health, wellbeing, and occupational engagement. FINDINGS: Evidence presented in this paper challenges occupational therapy's individualised approach towards wellbeing and contests the limited parameters of occupations "that matter" that are prioritised and promoted within the profession. In response, the paper seeks to expose the specific, political, economic, and ableist ideology that has effectively shaped the occupational therapy profession's assumptions, models, theories, and the practices these inform. CONCLUSION: Drawing from the "Build back better" approach to post-disaster recovery-with its dual attentions to wellbeing, equity, and inclusivity and to physical, social, cultural, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities-this paper imagines an occupational therapy for a post-COVID-19 world; an occupational therapy that takes seriously the premise that occupations and people are inseparable from their environments; a profession that no longer colludes in individualising problems that are inherently social or in depoliticising the systemic social and economic inequalities that create stress and illness; an occupational therapy that no longer promotes the values of neoliberal ableism; and an occupational therapy dedicated to expanding people's just and equitable opportunities to engage in meaningful occupations that contribute positively to their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their communities.

Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , COVID-19 , Humanos , Povos Indígenas , Pandemias , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Justiça Social
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci ; 25(9): 3614-3622, 2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34002837


OBJECTIVE: COVID-19 has become a global public health emergency affecting 223 countries and territories, and it drastically changed the life of public and health care delivery systems. Although many guidelines have been proposed to avoid infection from COVID-19 and to promote the use of telerehabilitation, there is still no clear answer for the current scenario and strategies of therapists' practice during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. This study aimed to explore the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on Occupational Therapists' (OTs) practice, the use of telerehabilitation strategies by OTs, and their employment and mental health. Also, this study aimed to explore the OTs perspective on the role of telerehabilitation during this pandemic lockdown. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Online cross-sectional survey was conducted between April 2020 and May 2020. RESULTS: 114 OTs completed the survey. The results of this study showed that 52.8% of therapists had stress and anxiety due to COVID-19 lockdown. We found that 60.7% of OTs (n=65) used telerehabilitation, versus 36.1% (n=39) before the lockdown. Telerehabilitation approaches were mostly implemented during this lockdown for children with autistic problems (66.6%), stroke (12.9%), cerebral palsy (6.4%), learning disabilities (9.6%), Parkinson's diseases (1.6%), and other medical conditions (2.8%). 10% of therapists reported that they lost their job, and 76% reported that this lockdown affected their income negatively. Overall, 87.8% of therapists reported that mobile technology was very useful to overcome the stress due to COVID-19 related lockdown, social isolation, and social distancing. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown experiences made us rethink the current approach of therapy services into alternative method (mixed mode) delivery of occupational therapy practice, which is including the combined method of video-based (telerehabilitation) consultation and face to face intervention.

COVID-19/epidemiologia , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde , Quarentena/tendências , Telerreabilitação/tendências , Adulto , Idoso , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis/métodos , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis/tendências , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Pandemias , Quarentena/métodos , Telerreabilitação/métodos , Adulto Jovem
OTJR (Thorofare N J) ; 41(3): 153-162, 2021 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33926321


Occupational therapy focuses on therapeutic means to address participation in meaningful everyday tasks across the lifespan. No single setting is more conducive to this pursuit than individuals' authentic contexts. Occupational therapists are therefore uniquely suited to lead the charge toward stimulating research and advancing evidence-based application of telehealth. To this end, the American Occupational Therapy Foundation digitally convened their 2020 Planning Grant Collective to focus on the topic of Telehealth. Participants of the interdisciplinary collective collaboratively identified four themes: (1) Using technology to assess and intervene in the everyday context, (2) Partnerships with caregivers, (3) Telehealth delivery, and (4) Uniform data collection. Subgroups explored potential research and funding opportunities in their specialty area while also addressing the centralizing concepts of equity and diversity of telehealth delivery and COVID-19. Here, we provide a summary of the key concepts and recommendations from the 3 days of collaboration.

COVID-19 , Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências/tendências , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Telemedicina/tendências , Pesquisa Translacional Biomédica/tendências , Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências/métodos , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Terapia Ocupacional/psicologia , SARS-CoV-2 , Telemedicina/métodos
Work ; 68(1): 21-26, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33459684


BACKGROUND: Prior to the COVID-19 global health emergency, reducing direct contacts between therapists and patients is an important issue, and could be achieved by using robots to perform certain caring activities. OBJECTIVE: This study compares therapeutic factors of singing group activities directed by social robots and by occupational therapists at elderly care centers during this COVID-19 outbreak. METHODS: This project has a quasi-experimental research design, based on a pilot study of 14 subjects aged above 65 years. They received eight sessions of singing group therapy given by a social robot or an occupational therapist. Completed copies of a therapeutic-factor questionnaire were then collected. RESULTS: At the 4th week, the scores for 8 therapeutic factors were higher in sessions with the occupational therapist than the robot-directed sessions, reaching a statistically significant level; at the 8th week, the scores for 3 therapeutic factors, including imparting of information, were higher in sessions with the occupational therapist than in sessions with the robot. The top scoring therapeutic factor in the robot sessions was group cohesiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Social robots may be good companion tools for elderly care during this COVID-19 outbreak, but group therapy sessions supervised by real-person therapists still have higher therapeutic factor scores than those conducted by robots. The number of subjects needs to be increased to enhance the validity of future study results.

COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Robótica/tendências , Canto , Recursos Humanos/tendências , Idoso , COVID-19/transmissão , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Terapia Ocupacional/instrumentação , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Distanciamento Físico , Robótica/instrumentação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Taiwan , Recursos Humanos/normas
NeuroRehabilitation ; 48(1): 19-27, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33361615


BACKGROUND: Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) currently embraces evidence-based concepts of motor control, motor learning and neuroplasticity. However, most research has been performed on outdated models of NDT. OBJECTIVE: This case series examines the short- and long-term outcomes of a three-week intensive using contemporary NDT interventions. METHODS: Six children, 2-10 years old with neurologic disorders and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I-III participated in the intervention. The three-week intensive included 60 minutes of physical, occupational and speech therapy 3-5 times weekly. RESULTS: All children demonstrated Gross Motor Function Measure-66 gains of medium to large effect sizes. These gains were maintained or improved upon 3 months' post conclusion of the intensive intervention. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports emerging research regarding the effectiveness of intensive intervention and further study of current NDT interventions.

Terapia por Exercício/métodos , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/fisiopatologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/terapia , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Fonoterapia/métodos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Terapia por Exercício/tendências , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/tendências , Projetos Piloto , Fonoterapia/tendências , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento
J Autism Dev Disord ; 51(4): 1316-1330, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32683545


Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often benefit from allied health services such as occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, and applied behavioral analysis. While there is consistent evidence of disparities in access and use of medical services (e.g. dentistry), no such systematic review has examined disparities and differences in allied health use amongst children with ASD. In this systematic review, we examine disparities and differences in service access and use for children with ASD. Our findings suggest that children who are older, have less severe ASD symptoms, are from minority groups, and those from particular geographic regions are less likely to receive allied health services. Limitations and future directions are discussed.

Transtorno do Espectro Autista/terapia , Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde/tendências , Serviços de Saúde/tendências , Disparidades em Assistência à Saúde/tendências , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/economia , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/epidemiologia , Escala de Avaliação Comportamental , Criança , Feminino , Serviços de Saúde/economia , Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde/economia , Disparidades em Assistência à Saúde/economia , Humanos , Masculino , Grupos Minoritários , Terapia Ocupacional/economia , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e210262, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346368


Dado o contexto pandêmico, terapeutas ocupacionais refletem sobre atividades humanas, cotidianos e relações sociais em uma construção contra-hegemônica em diálogo com Ailton Krenak e sua cosmovisão. Problematizando perspectivas que dissociam seres/natureza/cultura/vida e não consideram os impactos dos modos de vida; inspiram-se nessa perspectiva para potencializar experiências e renovar o compromisso ético-político-cultural com a coletividade. Identificamos afinidades propositivas: pessoas-coletivas; a ressignificação da humanidade e da vida em sua interdependência em constelações de seres; o acolhimento dos encontros intensificando alianças afetivas; a presença na experiência pois o que existe é o agora; e o deslocamento urgente dos modos de vida modernos pela criatividade e poesia da resistência com reinvenção e criação de mundos possíveis mobilizados pelo cantar, dançar, suspender o céu e construir paraquedas coloridos. (AU)

In the context of a pandemic, occupational therapists reflect on human activities, the everyday, and social relations, in a contra>-hegemonic construction that intersects with Ailton Krenak's cosmovision. Problematizing perspectives that dissociate beings/nature/culture/life and disregard the impacts of modes of living, this study draws on this perspective to potentiate experiences and renew the ethical-political-cultural commitment to the collective. We identified propositive affinities: people-collectives; the resignification of humanity and life in its interdependence in constellations of beings; the receptiveness of encounters intensifying affective alliances; the presence in experience because all that exists is now; the urgent shift in modern modes of living and poetry of resistance, with the reinvention and creation of possible worlds mobilized by singing, dancing, suspending the sky, and building colorful parachutes. (AU)

Considerando el contexto pandémico, terapeutas ocupacionales reflexionan sobre actividades humanas, cotidianos y relaciones sociales en una construcción contra-hegemónica en diálogo con Ailton Krenak y su cosmovisión. Problematizando perspectivas que disocian seres/naturaleza/cultura/vida y no consideran los impactos de los modos de vida, se inspira en esa perspectiva para potencializar experiencias y renovar el compromiso ético- político-cultural con la colectividad. Identificamos afinidades propositivas: personas-colectivas; la resignificación de la humanidad y de la vida en su interdependencia en constelaciones de seres; la acogida de los encuentros intensificando alianzas afectivas; la presencia en la experiencia, puesto que lo que existe es el ahora; y el desplazamiento urgente de los modos de vida modernos por la creatividad y poesía de resistencia con reinvención y creación de mundos posibles movilizados por el cantar, bailar, suspender el cielo y construir paracaídas de colores. (AU)

Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Cosmovisão , Relações Interpessoais , Ecologia Humana
Tog (A Coruña) ; 17(2): 108-111, nov. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-198808


Desde mi interés sobre la vertiente social de la Medicina y desde el punto de vista de la Rehabilitación mi trabajo profesional, docente e investigador se ha proyectado sobre la discapacidad y su entorno. Fue por el año 1983 cuando conocí a Dª. Ana Vicente por aquel entonces Terapeuta Ocupacional en la Residencia Asistida de Cáceres; desde entonces y hasta ahora, bueno hasta hace un año he mantenido contacto con las y los terapeutas ocupacionales, desde lo profesional y desde lo docente-investigador. Creo que siempre les he trasmitido mi afición por conocer que es lo que nos impulsa, en la certeza de que somos un todo donde las partes están tan íntimamente relacionadas que lo que ocurre en una de ellas tiene repercusión en las otras

The social aspects of medicine and the perspective of rehabilitation in my work as a physician, professor and researcher have focused on disability and its circumstances. It was the year 1983 when I firstmet Ana Vicente, at that time occupational therapist at a nursing home in Cáceres; since then and until now, well strictly speaking until last year, I've been in contact with occupational therapists, in my role as a physician as well as a professor and researcher. I hope I have always made them clear my interest in knowing what drives them, with the certainty that we are all part of the same thing and that all parts are intimately related, and what happens in one of them has an effect upon the others

Animais , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Evolução Biológica , Filogenia , Fósseis , Peixes/fisiologia , Vertebrados/fisiologia , Meio Ambiente , Hominidae
Tog (A Coruña) ; 17(1): 1-3, mayo 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-196298


La construcción de la identidad profesional en profesionales de terapia ocupacional se encuentra sumergida en profundos cambios. Particularmente, se propone conocer los elementos identitarios de los y las terapeutas ocupacionales que construyen en base a su experiencia asociada al rol y a las funciones profesionales. La mentoría ha sido un elemento estudiado en la formación inicial de los y las profesionales de terapia ocupacional o entre iguales, sin embargo ¿es una pieza relevante a la hora de conformar la identidad profesional de profesionales de terapia ocupacional?

The construction of professional identity in occupational therapy professionals is submerged in profound changes. In particular, it is proposed to know the identity elements of the occupational therapists that they build based on their experience associated with the role and professional functions. Mentoring has been an element studied in the initial training of occupational therapy professionals or among equals, however, is it a relevant piece when shaping the professional identity of occupational therapy professionals?

Humanos , Mentores , Terapia Ocupacional/tendências , Identificação Social , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/normas , Publicação Periódica , Acesso à Informação